6 months ago

Telegram Task scam


They will first send a message asking if you are interested in a part-time job. 

After accepting the offer, you will be added to a group where there will be many of your “co-workers” as they claimed you will be led through a demo where you will receive some 600-800 tk as payment after completing it. 

Then the real scam will start next, they will say to continue doing the job you have to deposit some money (minimum 10,000) and as a show of proof, they will show numerous screenshots and payment receipts daily in the group to show that they are trustworthy.

After you deposit the money if they deem they can get more money out of you they will even return the money and some extra and encourage you to deposit more to earn more.

Then they will move on to the next phase, they have a policy that you only withdraw the money after you have completed your work a set number of times. i.e. to submit reviews. And suddenly they will tell you are lucky and got a bonus. But to avail that bonus you have to clear the negative balance shown on your account by submitting that amount as deposit (there is no way to bypass or reject the bonus). Since you can’t continue the work without clearing the negative amount it means you also can’t withdraw the amount you have already deposited. And they will try to convince you that everything is okay since you can withdraw all the money together after the task is done. Encouraging you to borrow money from others if don’t have it on hand since you will get it back shortly thus aiming to suck you dry till the last drop.

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